Self Growth

Giving Satan An Inferiority Complex Children Of A God, Who Seems To Be Fast Asleep

Giving Satan An Inferiority Complex Children Of A God, Who Seems To Be Fast Asleep Ruzbeh N. Bharucha   I have realised one thing through my mistakes, blunders, impulsive temperament, weaknesses and limitations and that is I am instrumental in causing myself anguish and building the foundations of discord within myself. I believe this may …

Giving Satan An Inferiority Complex Children Of A God, Who Seems To Be Fast Asleep Read More »

Yogis And Bhogis

Yogis And Bhogis Ruzbeh N. Bharucha   This is one fundamental difference between a yogi (one who operates from detachment) and a bhogi (one who operates from desires and senses). The yogi will do everything that s(h)e has to do giving hundred percent dedication and is not interested in the fruits or the applause. S(h)e …

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Mistakes We So Often Make On The Path (Part Four)

Mistakes We So Often Make On The Path (Part Four) Ruzbeh N. Bharucha   Very often, everything on the Path of our spiritual pursuits seems to flow effortlessly. Prayers, meditation, certain disciplines, rituals that one indulges in daily, all that which is related with spirituality and religious activities go about like clockwork. For some reason …

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