Shadows In Cages – 2004

“To My children… as and when you remember
My children in Prison… if and when you forget.”

From the author of The Last Marathon and Devi’s Emerald, comes a soul stirring book, that is the first of it’s kind. Shadows In Cages, is a book on mother and child living in Indian Prisons. In India, a woman prisoner can keep her child with her in prison, till the child reaches the age of five.

Shadows In Cages throws light, on the emotional aspect, where mother and child in Indian Prisons are concerned. The author has visited prisons in India and interacted with numerous women inmates and their children. The book reveals the prison conditions, insecurities, trials, joys, hopes and dreams that women inmates feel and share with their children.

Interviews with prisoners, children, social workers, prison authorities and lawyers, make a very interesting read and a deep emotional experience. The author, with tenderness and humour, takes the reader on a journey, that touches the soul and leaves one frequently with an ache in the heart and tears in the eyes.

‘It’s the story of the pain and anguish that mother and child suffer in Indian prisons. Their misery has been captured by Ruzbeh. N. Bharucha in his book Shadows in Cages, which looks at the “emotional aspect” of the mother-and-child in Indian prisons as they live through insecurities, joy, hope and dreams. Shadows in Cages reveals the prison conditions, provides interviews with prisoners, children and social workers in the sector and takes the reader through an emotional journey of life and its pain.’ – THE HINDU.

‘Based on the accounts of women and children in prisons such as Yerwada in Pune, Tihar Jail in New Delhi and prisons in Haryana and Srinagar, the book deals with real life inmates and the day-to-day life of their children behind bars.’ – SUNDAY MID-DAY.

This book undoubtedly shakes the reader deep inside and is presented in a very impressive and a tender manner. – DAINIK TRIBUNE.

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