Ruzbeh N. Bharucha

Nav Durga Namho Namho
There are nine Manifestations of Goddess and Mother Durga. I have done my best with my limited knowledge and the best research possible to write below about Her origins and life. The victory of the Goddess over the demon Mahishasura and also the inherent evil within us, if we truly consider Maa within us and working hard at assisting us to destroy the muck within us, bringing us to salvation, comes for me at a price. My Baba Sai of Shirdi took Samadhi on Dushhera Day. So yes, victory for all, but He left His body, thus is a strange day. The world celebrates and all Baba lovers keep silent.
I have channeled through Baba Sai, Prayers, for each Manifestation of Nav Maa Durga. At the end of the article have also attached the Prayer as one composite beseech to The Mother Goddess.
Be blessed.
Maa Shailaputri
Goddess Parvati is Maa Shailaputri. Her First Incarnation was that of Maa Sati.
From the time Maa Sati was a Child, She had only one focus and aim in life, Lord Shiva. As She grew up Her Love and devotion for The Lord grew deeper. She began Her penance to please Lord Shiva and She pleased The Lord, and The Lord manifested in front of Her to grant Her a boon. Maa Sati asked The Lord for His eternal companionship as Man and Wife. It was granted.
But there was a catch. Maa Sati’s father Daksha Prajapati for some odd reason wasn’t too kosher about this heavenly Union. When he organized a major puja – havan (those days they called it a Yagna), our man Daksha Prajapati, on purpose decided to call all the Gods and Their progeny but did not invite Lord Shiva. Maa Sati was furious and told Lord Shiva that this was an insult which She would not tolerate and expressed a desire to confront the father and give him a piece of Her mind. Lord Shiva tried His level best to talk Maa Sati out of this meeting but to no avail. He warned Her that this meeting could lead to disaster but Maa Sati was furious and beyond reason. Eventually Lord Shiva gave in.
When Maa Sati entered the place of the Yagna, to her disbelief, She realised that Her father, along with a few of the household staff and Her sisters too, were bad mouthing Lord Shiva.
Maa Sati, who loved and worshipped Lord Shiva all Her life, could not take the humiliation and the harsh words directed to The Lord. Already angry, this was the final straw, and She through Her Yog Shakti engulfed Herself in Fire.
When Lord Shiva realised that His beloved Sati was no more in the body He ordered His army to destroy the place and went into silence for a long time.
Sati Maa’s Love was so pure and innocent that She was reborn as Maa Parvati and is also known as Sahilaputri. She is the daughter of the Lord of the Mountains, Himalaya. Maa again won Lord Shiva through Her love, devotion and penance, and the First Day and Night of Nav Ratras, Maa Shailaputri is worshipped. She is the First Form of Nav Durga.
Maa holds The Trishul in the right hand and a Lotus in the other. Her vehicle is The Bull, Nandi.
According to Yogis and other spiritual practitioner- s, Maa Shailaputri represents the rootChakra or the Muladhara Chakra and it is considered the first or initial platform for all spiritual practices to commence.
The Prayer for Maa Shailaputri given by Baba Sai of Shirdi is given below.
I worship Goddess Maa Shailaputri,
She who has a crescent moon on Her head, rides on a bull, carrying a Trishul and is ever known,
Bless me with the same love and devotion Thou had for Your Lord,
Let me always be filled with Thy fire of Oneness
You are the First One, Thy name is Sati,
I chant Your Name, worship You, praise You forever more Maa Shailaputri
Brahmacharini (Tapasyacharini)
In reality Maa Brahmacharini is once again Maa Parvati. This Second Form of Nav Durga is the One related to the most severe penances connected with Devi worship. This Form of Maa Durga is connected with the penance done by Maa Sati and Maa Parvati to get the boon of eternal companionship with Lord Shiva. But this Form is related more with Maa Parvati’s penance for Lord Shiva which went on for thousands of years.
We are already aware of why Maa Sati set Herself ablaze in the holy Fire. She takes birth again as Maa Parvati. One day Lord Vishnu’s eternal disciple; the Sage Narada, visited the kingdom of King Himalaya. The moment He saw Maa Parvati, who was then a very young Woman, the revered Sage bowed down to Maa Parvati. Himalaya and his wife were astounded as to why Sage Narada would bow down to their Daughter. It was then, that Narada revealed to her parents the true origin of Maa Parvati and how Maa Parvati in the former Form of Maa Sati had won over Lord Shiva, became The Lord’s Wife and how She couldn’t bear the humiliation meted out to Her by Her extremely strange father and thus immolated Herself, and now, here She was, as Maa Parvati.
I am sure the very Energy behind Her Past Incarnation, which was spoken by Narada, must have evoked long lost memories and Maa Parvati requested the Sage to reveal how She could win over Lord Shiva again. The Sage revealed that now, for Lord Shiva to again accept anybody as His wife and companion, Maa Parvati would really have to raise the bar of asceticism and penances.
So, Maa left Her parents, the palace, the comforts and began Her quest for pleasing Lord Shiva. Her penances are considered the most severe. For the first thousand years Maa meditated and prayed to Lord Shiva and lived on fruits and roots. Then, for the next three thousand years She lived on only leaves and then only on water, disregarding Her physical state or the elements of nature. It was but natural that She became skin and bone, and Her only emancipation was being the Spouse of Lord Shiva.
Maa’s penance eventually forced all the Gods and Sages to approach Lord Brahma who then blessed Maa Parvati that She would become The Divine Spouse of Lord Shiva. He also blessed Her, through which Her health and beauty were regained and thus titled Her ‘Brahmacharini’, which means ‘The One who is a celibate Woman’.
Lord Shiva then married Maa Parvati.
All the severe penances and fasts / upvaas that women do and keep are to please Maa Brahmcharini who is none other than Maa Parvati who is none other than Maa Sati who are the Forms of Shakti or Woman Energy. Thus, They are all One, and worshiped as the Second Form of Maa Durga.
Maa as Brahmacharini, wears simple white and in some places shown as wearing a pink saree. Maa carries a rudraksha mala or rosary in Her right hand and in the other hand a Kamandalu (a pitcher carried by Sages). She is, and appears very calm, serene and is always in the state of meditation. She stands for renunciation, patience and penance; and endows Her devotees and disciples with dedication, Will Power, focus, courage, strength as well as wellbeing and eternal peace.
Yogis and spiritual practitioners who pray to Maa Brahmacharini focus on the Third Chakra, which is below the navel, the Manipura Chakra. This Chakra is thus associated with Maa Bhramacharini and according to Baba Sai of Shirdi, This is the Chakra where all the powers and strengths reside.
The prayer channeled by Baba Sai for Maa Brahmacharini is as follows. If you want the original Sanskrit version and meaning; as I say often, we have God and then we have Google.
O Goddess Maa Brahmacharini,
Bless me with purity, dedication, courage and perseverance.
Bless me with Your devotion to achieve merger with Thou and my Lord and Master.
Never let me be afraid to make Thou happy and proud of me,
Never let the world distract me from my highest goals.
Bless me Maa Parvati to shake the very heaven with my faith, dedication, love and need of merger with Thou.
Chandraghanta or Chandra-khanda
Maa Durga in Her Third Avatar for the first time shows Herself as The Ferocious One. Maa Chandraghanta (because Maa has a bell-shaped half moon on Her forehead, thus the word ghanta meaning bell). She is worshipped on The Third Day and is ten armed and rides a Lion. She is worshipped by those who want the help of the Goddess to ward off opponents, foes and those who resort to corrupt and evil means.
In this Avatar, Maa is always ready for war against all which is evil and the dark side of Creation. Those who pray to This Form of Maa Durga, experience fearlessness merged with tranquility. It is said that all mental and emotional fears are eradicated when one prays to Maa Chandraghanta and the devotees are further blessed with a powerful aura and blessed speech.
The devotee is enveloped by Maa’s Aura, and thus, develops confidence and exudes strength and power, as well as has a charismatic pull over all he or she interacts with. Though Maa’s appearance might look ferocious, She is ever loving, always merciful and most tender to those who pray to Her.
Many believe that one can look into the future with the grace of Maa Chandraghanta and get Divine Fragrance or hear sounds, which herald Maa’s Presence in your life. Maa’s very shout can make Her enemies, demons and those who indulge in evil tremble, and go back to where they have come from.
Maa Chandraghanta’s prayer as Baba Sai of Shirdi has given is:
O Goddess Maa Chandraghanta, riding a Tiger,
Protect me from my enemies, those visible and those unseen, make me as noble and brave as Thou,
The One who holds many weapons in Her ten hands, keep me and my loved ones always Protected and Bless me with Your favour.
Kushmanda … Ashtabhuja
Maa Durga’s Fourth Swaroop or Divine Form is that of Kushmanda. Maa is considered as the Mother of all Creation, all planets, stars, galaxies, and the universe. The Sun is Her home and dwelling. Kushmanda means ‘The One who created the Universe as a tiny celestial egg’. She has created the Universe, and thus is also known as the Primordial One, or as ‘Adi Shakti’. Many consider This Roop of Maa Durga as The Creator. She has breathed life into all things and beings; and by praying to This Form of Maa, the devotee is bestowed by Maa Kushmanda with resplendent glory, fame and wellbeing. As She resides in the Sun; and only She can reside in the Sun, as She has created it all, Her Form is luminous and resplendent like the Sun. In fact the very Sun gets Its warmth and radiance because Maa dwells in it. She has eight hands and thus is also called Ashtabhuja.
Maa Kamandalu has in seven hands a vase of Nectar, a discus, a bow, an arrow, a Lotus (the Lotus is so important to The Goddess) and a Mace. But it is what She holds in Her eighth hand which is most important for Yogis and spiritual aspirants; She holds a rosary that can grant the eight all important Siddhis (knowledge- / wisdom of all one needs to know) and Nine Niddhis, (powers and wealth of all types.) Maa is seated on a Lion. Having created the Sun along with all of Creation, those who have a malefic Sun in their astrological chart must worship Maa Kushmanda.
Maa Kushmanda is seated in the Heart Chakra; Anahata. For a long life, success, fame and prosperity, Maa Kushmanda is appeased with purity, love and dedication. (I guess all Mothers are appeased with purity, love and dedication.)
The prayer one can chant to appease Maa Kushmanda, according to Baba Sai is:
Maa Kushmanda,
Shine through me like the Sun.
Let Thy radiance permeate within me and through me to all of creation,
Let my name, fame and glory be attached with Thou and with eight siddhis and nine niddhis, bless me Maa
So that I can serve and spread Thy Radiance
Maa Skanda … Skanda Mata … Chaturbhuji
Skanda Maa is The Fifth Manifestation of Maa Durga. She is also called Skanda Mata, derived from Her son; Kartikeya, who amidst other Names is also called Skanda. Thus, She is calledSkanda Mata; The Mother of Skanda, would be the literal translation. Lord Skanda is also known as Subramanya and Murugan.
Lord Skanda / Kartikeya / Subramaniya / Murugan was appointed as the Chief Commander of The Gods and Their Army to fight against the demons.
Kartikeya is the brother of Lord Ganesha; thus logically, Skanda Mata, who is the Fifth Manifestation of Maa Durga is Maa Parvati who is Maa Sati who is Maa Shakti.
Maa Skanda is seated on a Lotus; thus, She is also called The Goddess with a lotus – seat. Her mode of transport is the faithful Lion. She is seen carrying two Lotus flowers, a Kamandalu again, and a bell. With one hand She blesses one and all and with the other hand She holds Her son Kartikeya or Skanda.
When Skanda Mata is worshipped, Her Son, Kartikeya, is automatically paid homage and obeisance to. The importance of worshiping Skanda Mata is that She desires pure, dedicated, selfless love and devotion, and thus happily grants the devotee / disciple with prosperity and wellbeing. I think in This Roop, Maa seeks disciples rather than devotees. A disciple is one who has surrendered to his or her Lord, Goddess and Master. A devotee worships The One but still hangs on to his or her own ego. It is said that with the grace and blessings ofSkanda Mata and Lord Kartikeya, the disciple gains salvation.
Skanda Mata represents Visuddha Chakra, which is the Throat Chakra. Skanda, as a child in the lap of Skanda Mata basically signifies the purity of a child or in this case purity of the mind.
Prayer for Skanda Mata, once again none of them are traditional prayers, but what comes forth from Baba Sai of Shirdi.
Skanda Mata, Mother of Lord Kartikeya, seated on the Lotus, in the world, but still detached from it;
The One on the Lion, make my heart and mind, child like, completely immersed and surrendered to You,
With Thy son Kartikeya Subramaniya’s grace make me face my lower energies and the world like a warrior
Like Your child, take care of me and my lot,
Oh Mother Skanda, May Thou and Thy Son, Lord Subramanya, The Skanda, be always pleased with me and my loved ones.
Maa Katyayani
This is The Sixth Form of Maa Durga, which is most commonly and widely known; The destroyer of Mahishasura. Maa Katyayani’s Name is derived from a Sage called Kaatyaayana. Sage Kaatyaayana was a devotee and disciple of Maa Durga. He worshipped Her with love, dedication and sincerity. Maa Durga pleased with Him, appeared before Him, and told Him to ask for a boon. The Sage asked Maa to be born as His Daughter. Maa blessed Him.
When Mahishasura began to play havoc with Gods and all of Creation, Maa Durga took birth as Sage Kaatyaayana’s Daughter, and thus, was called Maa Katyayani, The Daughter of Kaatyaayana.
Legend says that Maa Katyayani was worshipped by Lord Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and all other Gods for three days, in order to give Her all the Power to destroy Mahishasura.
Sage Kaatyaayana was overjoyed, but Maa showed Him Her True Form. She became huge and resplendent. Maa let Herself be worshipped by Sage Kaatyaayana for three days, and then, She went and gave Mahishasur the pink slip by relieving His spirit from His body.
Maa carries a sword, a shield and a Lotus. She blesses with one hand and her vehicle is the Lion. Maa Katyayani can be easily pleased with love and devotion, who then destroys the sins of Her devotees and grants them material wellbeing, luxuries, pleasures and liberation.
The prayer given by Baba Sai of Shirdi to appease Maa Katyayani is as follows:
Maa Katyayani, the destroyer of demons,
Free me from my lower energies,
Destroy all that which Thou doesn’t approve of within me and around me,
But do so tenderly Maa
Bless me with protection, prosperity, success and courage.
Maa Kalaratri … Maa Shubhankari
This Seventh Form of Maa Durga is very close to Maa Kali. Maa is dark skinned, violent and to those who don’t go beyond Her physical aspect, Maa can seem very daunting. This aspect of Maa is ferocious, and God help the so called enemy of Her’s or Her devotee’s and disciple’s. She is atop a Donkey, and She has a sword, a Trident and a noose. She is very clear about Her intentions. No hide and seek here. Some scholars profess that this is the dark side of Maa Durga, that life has its violent, cruel and dark side. Maa Kalaratri has three eyes on Her forehead. The strange part is, though Maa is depicted as dark skinned, black would be the right word; luminous rays of Light emit from Her body.
The more terrifying Maa Kalaratri’s appearance, She in reality is that much and more tender and merciful. Thus, She is called Maa Shubhankari, meaning, ‘The One who does Good and Auspicious things for Her children’. If one goes beyond the body, one sees Her tenderness, and She is ready to give and help and heal and absolve the sins of Her children. Like Mother Kali, Maa Shubhankari Kalaratri is The Most Tender of all Mothers. She wants you to go beyond the gross, beyond the physical, beyond the darkness and glitter, and focus on Her love and Her mercy.
Maa Kalaratri is prayed to destroy black magic, demons, ghosts, voodoo, evil eye, nazar and all the dark alleys of the spirit world. Her very blessing makes Her child fearless. Who the hell in Creation is going to oppose or get into a battle with Maa Kali and Maa Kalaratri? Maa Kalaratri wants Her children happy and moving towards liberation by going beyond the gross body and material objects and externals. Maa wants us all to go beyond fears and obstacles created by the world, the planets, the unknown, the dark side of one’s own mind and in all of Creation.
Maa Kalaratri is associated with the Crown Chakra or the Sahasrara Chakra, giving the invoker the Siddhis and Nidhis (kn- owledge, wisdom and power) of the universe.
Baba Sai’s prayer for Kalaratri Devi:
Kalaratri….O Maa Kali
You cannot scare me as You are my Mother,
A child is never scared of the Mother
But the one who harms Your child is destroyed.
Be always tender with this child of Yours,
Protect me from black magic, the evil eye, the manipulator and the one who You do not favour.
Surround me and my loved ones with Your presence,
Bestow love, grace and wellbeing
And let the world know I belong to You.
Jai Maa Kali. Jai Kalratri. Nav Durga Namho Namha.
Mahagauri … Maha Gowri … Maha Gauri … Kanya … Kumari … Chaturbhuji
The Eighth Manifestation of Nav Durga, for many people, is the most important Manifestation of Maa Durga. She is represented as a young eight year old Girl.
Due to thousands of years of penance that was undertaken by Maa Parvati to appease Lord Shiva, Maa Parvati’s complexion became dark, virtually black in colour. When Lord Shiva was convinced of Maa Parvati’s devotion and love, He bathed Maa with the water of The Ganga that flowed through His matted Locks. Maa regained Her former complexion and radiance, and thus, Her Name became Maha or Maa Gauri, The One who is extremely fair or radiant.
Maha Gauri is always worshipped in the form of an eight year old Girl. Whoever worships Her, is granted happiness, prosperity and wellbeing. Yogis and Sages worship Her to be blessed with dedication, devotion, courage, to continue to pursue their spiritual aspirations. Those who meditate on Her, worship Her and seek to be blessed with Her patience and Her single minded focus of merging with The Lord and Master, they are freed from the cycle of life and death and attachments with the external world.
Maha Gauri is always dressed in white with jewellery. She sits on a Bull and has four hands, thus the name, Chaturbhuji. She grants Her devotees and disciples wealth and wellbeing, and also salvation to Yogis. She is tender at heart, and thus easily forgives.
The prayer to Maha Gauri given by Baba Sai of Shirdi is:
Maa Maha Gauri,
Bless me with Your devotion and child like love,
The way you appeased Thy Lord, bless me that I may appease mine too,
Grant me, when in the body, health and prosperity of body, mind and heart
And when in spirit back with You, liberation from the cycles of birth and death,
Make me innocent as a child and as wise as a Sage,
So be it as I pray.
Maa Siddhidayini … Siddhidatri
As the Name suggests, Maa in the ninth manifestation is the Giver of all sidhhas andsiddhis. This is the final Manifestation of Maa Durga; but in reality, creation as we know of it, evolved from Maa Siddhidayini which is Maa’s Ninth Form or Roop of Nav Durga.
When The Universal Mother, The Creator of all Creators, created Lord Shiva, legend says, that Lord Shiva prayed to Maa Supreme to bestow on Him all boons that would lead to perfection. Maa Durga or Maa Shakti or Maa Parvati, which ever Name one would like to call The Primordial Goddess, from Herself created Maa Siddhidayani.
Maa Siddhidayani blessed Lord Shiva with ashtasidhis, eight Siddhis while some claim eighteen Sidhis (powers and/or states of perfection). From here Lord Shiva, created Lord Vishnu, who created Lord Brahma.
Then there came a halt. For creation of the world, one needs male and female energy. So Maa Siddhidayini made Lord Shiva into Male and Female Energy, half God – half Goddess, called as Ardhanaarishwara. It is through this, that Creation followed.
Thus, all that which is perfect comes from Maa Siddhidayini.
Maa Siddhidayini is prayed and worshipped by all those who seek Siddhis and Niddhis(po- wers, perfection, wisdom of all kinds). She is prayed by the Gods and the demons. She grants all boons connected with the occult and the paranormal. Those who pray to Her are granted boons for material and spiritual wellbeing, and the state of perfection. She sits on a Lotus, holding a mace, a discus, a Lotus and a Book (the Akashik Records or the history and destination of all and everything).
Baba Sai of Shirdi’s prayer to Maa Siddhidayini:
Maa Siddhid- ayini make me perfect,
Make me realizse Your perfection in myself,
Bless me with the gifts You wish to bestow
As I am ignorant of my wants and needs,
Let the God and Goddess Energy within me be in harmony
First Your Love and Blessings, then Siddhis and Niddhis
First Your Protection and Grace, then occult and all else
Be with me for now and for eternity.
BABA SAI’S Prayer in praise and worship of NAV MAA DURGA
I worship Goddess Maa Shailaputri,
She who has a crescent moon on Her head, rides on a bull, carrying a Trishul and is ever known,
Bless me with the same love and devotion Thou had for Your Lord,
Let me always be filled with Thy fire of Oneness
You are the First One, Thy name is Sati,
I chant Your Name, worship You, praise You forever more Maa Shailaputri
O Goddess Maa Brahmacharini,
Bless me with purity, dedication, courage and perseverance.
Bless me with Your devotion to achieve merger with Thou and my Lord and Master.
Never let me be afraid to make Thou happy and proud of me,
Never let the world distract me from my highest goals.
Bless me Maa Parvati to shake the very heaven with my faith, dedication, love and need of merger with Thou.
O Goddess Maa Chandraghanta,
riding a Tiger,
Protect me from my enemies, those visible and those unseen, make me as noble and brave as Thou,
The One who holds many weapons in Her ten hands, keep me and my loved ones always Protected and Bless me with Your favour.
O Maa Kushmanda,
Shine through me like the Sun.
Let Thy radiance permeate within me and through me to all of creation,
Let my name, fame and glory be attached with Thou and with eight siddhis and nine niddhis, bless me Maa
So that I can serve and spread Thy Radiance
Goddess Skanda Mata,
Mother of Lord Kartikeya, seated on the Lotus, in the world, but still detached from it;
The One on the Lion, make my heart and mind, child like, completely immersed and surrendered to You,
With Thy son Kartikeya Subramaniya’s grace make me face my lower energies and the world like a warrior
Like Your child, take care of me and my lot,
Oh Mother Skanda, May Thou and Thy Son, Lord Subramanya, The Skanda, be always pleased with me and my loved ones.
Maa Katyayani,
the destroyer of demons,
Free me from my lower energies,
Destroy all that which Thou doesn’t approve of within me and around me,
But do so tenderly Maa
Bless me with protection, prosperity, success and courage.
Kalaratri … O Maa Kali,
You cannot scare me as You are my Mother,
A child is never scared of the Mother
But the one who harms Your child is destroyed.
Be always tender with this child of Yours,
Protect me from black magic, the evil eye, the manipulator and the one who You do not favour.
Surround me and my loved ones with Your presence,
Bestow love, grace and wellbeing
And let the world know I belong to You.
Jai Maa Kali. Jai Kalaratri. Nav Durga Namho Namha.
Maa Maha Gauri,
Bless me with Your devotion and child like love,
The way you appeased Thy Lord, bless me that I appease mine too,
Grant me, when in the body, health and prosperity of body, mind and heart
And when in spirit back with You, liberation from the cycles of birth and death,
Make me innocent as a child and as wise as a Sage,
So be it as I pray.
Maa Siddhidayini,
make me perfect,
Make me realizse Your perfection in myself,
Bless me with the gifts You wish to bestow
As I am ignorant of my wants and needs,
Let the God and Goddess Energy within me be in harmony
First Your Love and Blessings, then Siddhis and Niddhis
First Your Protection and Grace, then occult and all else
Be with me for now and for eternity.
Jai Mata Di. Glory Be To The Divine Mother.

Ruzbeh N. Bharucha